About Me

Hello,I am Burak Güldiken.I started working actively as a full-stack developer in September 2019. I have actively used technologies such as .Net Core, Vue.js, Javascript, Redis, RabbitMQ, SignalR in my projects. On the CI, CD side, I used technologies such as Jenkins and Octopus.I generally used Sql database in my projects. I actively used Dapper and Entity Framework as framework.

My Works


Purple Freelancer Platform

Off Day Page

Page where permits are processed and also contains cards and graphical data

Kanban Page

Project management system where users in the bord can assign tasks

Task Detail Page

The screen where information about the task content and history can be displayed

New Board Page

Creating a new board and authorizing screen users

Currency Page

Screen showing currency and mineral information


Homepage outline with weather, cards, charts, news and tasks

Send Mail

You can send mail with name, email and message.